Saturday, February 4, 2012

Keith Haring Paper Sculptures

I got the idea for this lesson for my first graders from to create 3Dimentional Keith Haring Figures using strips of colored construction paper... I had no idea this would be such a fabulous lesson!

First, we discussed Keith's artwork and how he conveys movement in his artwork.  I then had the students come up and re-create the dance moves seen in his work.

Students came up one at a time and their classmates had to guess which color person in the painting they were imitating.  This was a really fun way to tie dance into the lesson. 

I then had them watch an old Sesame Street clip that has Keith Haring's people become animated and dance off the screen.  The song is called "Exit" and it is a very catchy tune and fun to watch!

Then the students and I explored the different things you could do to a piece of construction paper 1" by 8"... bend it, fold it, roll it, etc.  I asked the students to show me how you could make legs out of the paper.  Then I let them get to work on their own Keith Haring 3Dimentional people! Below is a sample of what they made

By the way:  This was extremely fun for the students, and for me!!

Next class, they can contine working on their 3Dimentional People, and then they will be drawing their people in Keith Haring's style, but add a background to show us what their person is doing.  I can't wait to see what they come up with!

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